A number of quick lubes advertise $19.95 oil changes and promise to get you in and out in 15-20 minutes. Sounds like a great deal, right? In my experience, you’re better off developing a rapport with a full-fledged auto repair shop like ours. Here’s why: 1) You’ll gain peace of mind knowing we’re looking out …
Question: I changed jobs recently and am too far away from the auto repair shop I’d been using for years. How do I find a new, reliable repair shop? Answer: This is a great question and one many consumers face when they move, change jobs, or their regular shop changes owners or closes. The good …
Question: When I was a kid, I remember my grandmother taking the car to the garage to make sure it was “ready for winter.” They’d change the oil and coolant and put on snow tires. But with modern cars, we don’t have to do a lot of the maintenance my grandparents did. Do we still …
Icy, streaky windshield wiper blades. Headlights thick with snowy, salty road slop. Door that are frozen shut. Welcome to winter in Chicago! At John’s Auto Service, we know all these scenarios put a damper on an already chilly day. But we have inexpensive home remedies to help ward off all these winter blues. Winter Woe …
Understanding your Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) Question: My ‘low tire pressure’ light came last week. I added air and the light went off. Was that the right thing to do, or do I need to worry about a slow leak? Answer: As you witnessed, the light was telling you the air pressure in one …